
The Problems Of Philosophy By Bertrand Russell, Ayn Rand, And Christopher Hitchens

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While the use and understanding of philosophy goes widely unknown by a majority of the population today, a selective few have recognized its potential and utilized it to its fullest. In the following essay, three prominent philosophers; Bertrand Russell, Ayn Rand, and Christopher Hitchens. Each gives their insight to three important topics; the value of philosophy, using philosophy and its value, and the importance of freedom of speech. All of whom will be discussed, and agreement or disagreement will also be concluded and supported.
Bertrand Russell’s essay “The Problems of Philosophy”, is in most ways an argument for the continuation of the practice of philosophy. To summarize Russell’s argument, it is a vindication of the practice of …show more content…

While it is clear that Bertrand Russell wished for the continuation of the practice of philosophy, he acknowledges most people have no idea what philosophy is, outside of the idea of a group of people thinking about life. With this writing while giving some of the products that have come from philosophy, he also warns that not all answers can be gained from the philosophy. While definite answers can be gained through the sciences, philosophic study only raises more uncertainty.
Bertrand Russell supports his arguments with insight that comes from teaching, practicing, and seeing the effects of philosophy both within himself and the people around him. While studying philosophy Russell will only intensify the uncertainty about the world around us and the inner workings of our mind. Likewise in support of Russell’s argument, the study of sciences that is aforementioned such as; Phycology, Astronomy, and Physics which were originally pondered by philosophers has moved from philosophical theory to scientific study.
Likewise with the pursuit and study of philosophy, the likelihood of the student holding on to the dogmatism, and predigests that is set forth by society and past experiences. Along with this the aforementioned Practical Man Russell supports his argument with a description, “ The practical man who recognizes only material needs, who realizes men must have food for the body, but is

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