
The Quality And Qualities Of The Anzacs During The First World War

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The Anzac legend tells the spirit and qualities of the Anzacs whom fought on the battlefield during the First World War, this legend tells the quality’s and acts of bravery, mate ship, and courage that the Anzacs are believed to have shown on the battlefield. The soldiers used these qualities to help Australian and New Zealand earns its reputation in the world as being a strong and courageousness country when in times of danger. During the Gallipoli Campaign there were many heroic and brave acts but there was also many stories of pain and loss as the many of soldiers were lost during this war campaign but these men tried their best to overcome the death and destruction around them through these qualities and acts. These acts tell us that the …show more content…

For the first 4 days he was theoretically a deserter until his commanding officer, seeing the value of his work, agreed to turn a blind eye to rules and approved his actions. For almost 24 days Simpson operated through the impossible conditions of Gallipoli and was credited with saving the lives of almost 300 wounded soldiers. The Simpson was killed on the battlefield he was recommend for the Victoria Cross twice (which is the highest military decoration awarded for conspicuous bravery and acts of valor in the Commonwealth armed services) and also the Distinguished Conduct Medal. An example of Simpson’s qualities is mentioned by Padre George Green, who led Simpson's burial service "If ever there was a man deserve the Victoria Cross it was Simpson. I often remember now the scene I saw frequently in shrapnel Gully, of that cheerful soul calmly walking down the gully with a Red Cross armlet tied round the donkey's head. That gully was under direct fire from the enemy almost all the time." Many of the soldiers speak of him as cheerful man when faced horrible situations. Simpson is only one of the many who showed the qualities of bravery, valor, selflessness and endurance along with much more on battlefield, this shows the qualities of the Anzac

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