
The Right Target Market Essay

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The Right Target Market One of the most important marketing functions for a firm is finding the right target market. A target market by definition is: "a group of consumers at whom the seller specifically aims its marketing efforts". Identification and selection of the target market is crucial for a firm's marketing strategy to be effective. In the process of finding the target market the first and probably the most crucial step is market segmentation.

Market segmentation in general is differentiating groups of people in the market, so that the firm may find similarities between certain groups and therefore …show more content…

Even a small market may be profitable if the company has competitive pre-eminence

· Accessibility - A segment must be accessible through advertising, other promotional media, and distributive networks.

· Self containment - Preferably a product launched at a market segment should not take demand from another product in the company's range.

· Marketing mix response - The market segment should be responsive to marketing and promotion effort.

Taking all this into account we can therefore go on to the different basis for market segmentation. The first basis is geographic segmentation; this basis for segmentation relies solely on the geographic location of certain people. Geographic segmentation may be according to nation region state towns or cities. The idea of this type of segmentation is that buyers in generally the same areas will buy the same type of product.

The next basis for segmentation is segmentation by demographics; demographic segmentation is based on the personal characteristics of a possible market. Such variables as age, gender, income level, occupation and family life cycle come into play in this variable. Demographic variables are the easiest way to measure the

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