
The Roaring Twenties In The United States : The Causes Of The Great Depression

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The Roaring Twenties was a time of prosperity in the United States. Rural Americans migrated to the cities with the hope of finding a more lucrative life. While the American cities prospered, the overproduction of agricultural crops created extensive financial disheartenment among American farmers. The American economy showed threatening signs of unrest. For example, steel production declined, automobile sales diminished, and consumers were increasing their debts because of buying on margin. Despite all of these negative impacts, the stock market continued to rise until the economy had reached the boom phase. This is when there is zero unemployment, full production, and prices increase. Since the boom phase is the highest point of the business cycle, in order to make a stable economy, there has to be a decline or depression (DOC A). In the 1930s, the United States suffered from the greatest economic depression in its history. Millions of people, men and women, were out of work or afraid they soon would be. This rapid change is known as The Great Depression. Financial irresponsibility led to the greatly unequal distribution of wealth, buying on credit, and the United States tariff system, each contributors to what is known as The Great Depression.
One cause of the Great Depression was the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920s. The uneven distribution of wealth existed on many levels. Money was distributed unevenly among the the rich and poor. Labor Unions

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