
The Shame Of The Cities Summary

Decent Essays

Ryan Mastovich
Mr. Carosi
29 November 2016
“Pittsburg: A City Ashamed” Resource Analysis The collection of articles, “The Shame of the Cities” written by Lincoln Steffens, evidently reveals the history of corruption in many American cities during the 18th and 19th century. The chapter, “Pittsburg: A City Ashamed” focuses wholly on the effect Christopher Magee had on the city of Pittsburg during the time of his ruling. With the help of William Flinn, Thomas Bigelow, and E.M. Bigelow, Chris was in complete control over the city. While some of what he was doing was very helpful toward, it is undeniable that he was the cause of Pittsburgh’s extensive corruption. Prior to Christopher Magee, the city of Pittsburgh was in debt, but still …show more content…

William Flinn. It may have been unknown at the time, but in the close future, Magee and Flinn would become the perfect business partners. “Magee wanted power, Flinn wealth. Each got both these things; but Magee spent his wealth for more power, and Flinn spent his power for more wealth.” (Page 28) Together, Flinn and Magee perfectly complimented each other. Flinn was a very useful man, Magee could become more and more powerful with Flinn around, although he wasn’t always needed. To Flinn, Magee was completely necessary. It was obvious that Flinn would never have been able bring fame to …show more content…

Christopher Magee was long gone, having died two years earlier, thus leaving his business partner, William Flinn, behind. Flinn was officially out of politics, refusing to work without the help of Magee. For example, “No; I am out of politics. When Magee died, I died politically, too.” (Page 39) With Flinn out of the picture, Thomas Bigelow was nominated to become the new boss of Pittsburgh. Tom won the title and began reconstructing the city. Those who disagreed formed a Voter’s Civic League, which was used to raise the standard of candidates and improve the population of a minority party. It’s almost shameful that Bigelow wouldn’t allow this to happen, and continue to run with his Citizen’s party which is a mix between both

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