
The Soldier Camp Analysis

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A picture is truly worth a thousand words, but the picture I was assigned is worth so much more than that. It was taken during a time of despair, unfairness, torture, and just pure terror. I can’t truly tell you what happened in this picture at the time it was taken but I will do my best to describe it. At the first look of this picture I noticed three soldiers. They are standing at a crematory, and the doors are open. Inside bodies of the dead or still currently alive Jewish people I couldn’t tell you because they were known to burn them dead or alive. I couldn’t tell you the number of the people inside the crematorium in the photo because I don’t know the number it could fit.
This picture is very disturbing to me. How could somebody do this to living human beings? Or an even better question how did they live with themselves after the torture they put them through? The screams of terror that probably happen, the crying, the …show more content…

That they were bent on defiling the Christian mind, taking over the economies of the world to enslave Christians, that they kidnapped and murdered little Christian boys to take their blood to make bread for Passover , that they disrespected the host, that they rejected Christian revelation and in turn was thought to of murdered Jesus Christ. This is just a theory of why the Holocaust happened. I have always heard that Hitler hated the Jews because he thought they were the downfall of the German society. A concentration camp is a place where large numbers of people, especially prisoners or members of sentenced minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a small area with terrible facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await their death. The term is most strongly agreed with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe among the most infamous being

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