
The Stages Of Bereavement

Decent Essays

Understanding that the stages of bereavement varies from person to person is important, so one does not feel they are grieving inappropriately. It is also important to have a general idea of what one can expect when experiencing a loss. It seems that often people think that everyone should only grieve for certain amount of times, or something is wrong with them, when in fact, no matter the length of time, or degree, it is normal. In 1969, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross created the stage perspective, which discusses the five stages of bereavement and what each stage could entail. This is so important in understanding the process of bereavement and the reason people act the way they do when losing a loved one.
Stages of Bereavement Rafael, 1983, “Noted …show more content…

Despite the slight difference between the two words, bereavement and grief go together, and in this paper, those terms will be interchanged. There are five stage of grief that I intend to discuss in detail. “Kubler-Ross stage perspective held that dying people go through five stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance.” (Stroebe, 2017, p. 457). Denial is not believing that it is happening. Anger could be at one’s self, a higher power, or just the situation in general. Bargaining is when one says if their situation goes away, they will change themselves. For example, one might say if their illness is cured, they will never drink alcohol

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