
The Universe Next Door By James W. Sire: Chapter Analysis

Decent Essays

In the Bible book of Genesis chapters one through eleven is the story of the creation of the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and civilization. This is a story created by God, written by Moses and lived out by everyone, believers and nonbelievers. The first eleven chapters of Genesis do not set out to prove the existence of God, as some are trying to do today. These chapters simply put Him at the center of everything. The beginning of Genesis contains the account of creation, the fall of mankind into sin, procreation leading to civilization, the flood to bring about the re-creation, and finally the culminating account of man marveling in his own effort - the Tower of Babel. All of which creates the foundation of theology and the Christian’s worldview of how God intended things to function in our world. Genesis also forms a foundation for other religious and secular morals which aid in forming a worldview. By placing God at the center of everything, He creates the moral foundational worldview for cultures around the globe. In his book, The Universe Next Door, James W. Sire describes worldview as essentially this: “A worldview is a commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, … about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides …show more content…

Genesis places God in the center of the human identity. “So God created man, male and female, in His own image and it was very good (Gen 1:27; 31 emphasis added). Hindson reminds us, “People are created with a God awareness, even lost people with cry out to God when they are in dire trouble.” The human identity was created with God’s heart and character at its core. Genesis 1 distinctly points out that man is part of the original creation not an angel or god that descended from a heavenly domain to populate the

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