
Theme Of Personality Disorder In The Movie Silver Linings Playbook

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Personality disorders are the maladaptive way of thinking and behaving that can interfere with the individuals’ personal relationships and their integration to society. An individual who suffers from a personality disorder would typically behave and think outside of the societies’ norms. Although, there are ten personality disorders, in this essay we will be analyzing and focusing on the borderline personality disorder and its portrayal in the popular film, Silver Linings Playbook. Individuals who suffer of such disorder are capable of changing their behavior and mindset drastically. For example, if the person is in a relationship they can love and idolize their partner at one instant and completely hate and seek revenge against them, if they feel their partner hurts them. At times, they even try to self-sabotage themselves by attempting to hurt themselves. Their personality characteristics are known to be demanding, intense, aggressive, and even feeling empty an abundant amount of times. Essentially an individual with borderline personality disorder are defined by the word “instability” as their behavior is completely unpredictable and rocky to their experiences (Buss & Larsen, 2001). The film Silver Linings Playbook depicts borderline personality disorder through Tiffany Maxwell, a widow who tries to befriend and help Pat, whom just recently lost his wife and was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Although the film does not diagnose Tiffany with the disorder, it is clear she does suffer through borderline personality disorder. When we first meet Tiffany, she comes off as very blunt and emotionless, as she rarely showed any emotions, even to Pat’s rude remarks as they first meet. Throughout the film we see Tiffany suffer the major features of a borderline personality disorder. In the film, when Tiffany feels hurt by comments that Pat would make she would drastically overreact to the comments by screaming or causing a major scene. For example, Pat and Tiffany went out to a small café to converse. Eventually their conversation begins to spiral downward as Pat insinuates Tiffany is crazy and that his reputation would be affected if people find out they are friends. Tiffany goes ballistic and begins hollering,

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