
Time Management Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Username: Cherbs

Age: 14

Timezone: EST

Country: United States

Previous Experience: The only network I’ve been staff on so far was HCEmpire, a server you may or may not know. It was my first server that I was staff on, and I learned a ton of new skills that I did not previously have. Some of these skills include dealing with toxic players, keeping calm in uneasy/stressful situations, being as mature as possible in front of players/staff, good time management, I learned how to work with other staff members and overall communicate better. I was staff before the server was released and I went from being T-Mod to Mod with a couple weeks once the managers saw that I have skills. I was always active in the teamspeak and spent most of my spare time on the server helping as much as possible. I was constantly working hard and did anything and everything higher up staff wanted me to do. I have experienced some situations where I was suspicious of other staff members actions, thought they were possibly doing to ETB or grief the server. Instead of taking the situation into my own hands I contacted the highest online staff at the time which was a manager and got the situation solved fast. I unfortunately resigned from this server was bought by someone else that didn’t know what they were doing.

Previous Punishments: None (I’m a saint)

Why do you want a staff position?: There are a few key reasons that I’m specifically interested in staff on HCGames. Out of all the servers I’ve

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