
Troy Buchanan Narrative

Decent Essays

In the small town of Troy, Missouri, there is a high populated high school, Troy Buchanan. There’s a group of junior and senior boys and girls that are known to be “trouble-makers”, that look out to accuse others for their wrong doings. In many high schools around the United States, there is “junior/senior prank week”. This is the week when many teens go insane. The Benson family, a family of 5, has two kids still attending high school and are known to be a family of good well-beings. One of the two kids being Emiley, an innocent teen who wants what is right and looks out for her family. It was 7:30 am and the principal of Troy Buchanan high school came over the intercom with the daily announcements. Dr. Raines is always in a jolly mood …show more content…

All I had on my mind was that my little brother was falsely accused of vandalism. When I woke up and went to school the following morning, I immediately got called to the office. There I found Branden, Bryson, and Jack. They are football players that cause a lot of trouble . As soon as I walked in, Jack said; “Jake did it and you know it.” Me, knowing this wasn’t true, raised my voice and replied, “You’re a liar and don’t be accusing my brother of something you didn’t know he did! You and your friends probably did it!” At that point, the principal and resource officer pulled the three boys into the office. Soon after, another officer walked in the door. “Emiley, come with me please.” he said. Once we walked into his office, he had the tapes pulled up from that Friday night. “Which one is Jake?” he asked. I replied, “Jake isn’t in it.” While watching the tapes, I saw a blonde haired girl, she reminded me of Anna. I asked the officer, “Who’s that girl?” and he replied “I can’t tell you, is there any reason your brother might’ve done this? Vandalism may be an act of revenge, a way of expressing a political opinion, or a means of intimidation.” At this point, I was so annoyed I got up and walked out. As I left, I walked past the football players as they snickered and laughed. While I was walking back to class, my phone vibrated. My mom texted me saying, Your dad and I are on our way to …show more content…

Although with Jake, was his friend Nathan who was with him on Friday night. Jake is tall, skinny, and brunette and wants justice for his best friend. While the officers were questioning the boys, Anna’s dad walked in. Mr. Perry is a stern looking man that has had a bright reputation throughout Troy. “Where is my daughter?” he asked the secretary. She replied, “Sir, we just called her out of class.” Mr. Perry said, “I can’t believe I’m here for something my daughter didn’t do!” The second officer then pulled Mr. Perry into his office to look at the tapes. Anna then walked in and said, “Umm excuse me, where is my dad?” The secretary pointed towards the office. While my parents and I were sitting in the office, Anna, her dad, and the officer walked out. Mr. Perry said, “Anna I can’t believe you!” The officer then said, “A number of local governments have laws that hold parents responsible for vandalism committed by their children.” Mr. Perry asked Anna, “Anna would you like to tell Mr. and Mrs. Benson or do you want me too?” Anna replied, “Mr. and Mrs. Benson, it was me who did the vandalizing.” The principal, Jake, and Nathan walked out to Anna confessing to committing the crime. The principal said, “Anna you are suspended from school for 60 days and you are also charged with vandalism.” Anna cried while saying a sincere apology to my family and I. “Benson family, I am so sorry for everything. I

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