
Trust In Macbeth

Decent Essays

“For there to be betrayal, there would have to have trust first” (Collins 114). Trust is difficult to gain, but easy to break. So when betrayal occurs, most likely, that trust is shattered. People have to be very careful of who they trust or who they get attached to or they can end up in a world of hurt, physically or emotionally. If you trust in a person because they do something amazing or is currently popular, chances are that is not the way to gain confidence in another person and it could result in a less than favorable situation where your trust is shown to be flawed. Trust should be gained by your personal experiences and your own instincts. The worst part about betrayal is that it plants the seeds of doubt in someone’s mind, resulting …show more content…

In the very beginning of the play, the Thane of Cawdor betrayed King Duncan in the first battle. The “thane betrays king, breaking a bond that cements both society and the universe.” When the Thane of Cawdor betrayed the king in the battle, he broke a bond of trust that planted doubt in the king’s mind, whether if the king knew it or not. Macbeth, however, gained Duncan’s trust by fighting like a true warrior. But when Macbeth saw the opportunity to become king after the witches’ prophecy, he went right around and betrayed Duncan by killing him. “As Macbeth’s reputation of nobility and valor is established before his deed…” (127) so when he did fight in battle bravely, he was trusted completely, and no one would have suspected treason from him, even when Macbeth’s friend saw his loyalty waver when with the witches. Due to the betrayal from the Thane of Cawdor and the noble fighting from Macbeth, the king once again put his trust in the wrong person, which ultimately cost him his …show more content…

The war itself, in England’s eyes, was the very definition of treason. But within American borders, there were several major cases of betrayal. During the war, there were tensions between New York and Vermont. “…Vermont, which declared its own independence from New York in 1777 and petitioned Congress for recognition.” New York, Virginia, and other southern states were not in support of Vermont and it was considered potential treason. One of the most infamous betrayal acts in history came from the American Revolution. Benedict Arnold was a general from the American army but defected to the British Army. “…Arnold’s treason rattled the leadership of the American Revolution…” and therefore people were unsure of who was really on the American side. People were angry too because, “In Philadelphia, the citizens burned Arnold in an effigy a few days after Arnold’s plot was discovered…he was given two faces, he also had a mask, symbols of his duplicitous treachery” (1). His betrayal shocked and angered the people fighting for the American cause. However, “…Arnold would not be so easily banished from memory…” (1). Because of his treason, Americans would have a hard time trusting American generals and his treachery would live through the years and history, and be remembered to this

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