
Twc Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

1: Identify and describe the initial problem/s that the TWC Company faced for which they used the new big data technologies? Describe two other problems that could be solved using big data technologies.
With the benefits of big data such as high data velocity, data variety, data volume and data complexity; The weather company can improve their forecasting at a very fast rate. Below I will list and describe some initial problems which big data could solve:
Weather is changing - The weather is changing because the climate is changing. Unfortunately, TWC cannot control the weather; however, they can improve their ability to predict it. Improve weather forecasting - TWC needs to be able to provide accurate forecasting and other companies …show more content…

Provide reasoning to support the use of the NoSQL database as the database of choice to solve the problem faced by TWC. Identify one strength and one weakness for each of the other three kinds of databases to solve the problem for TWC.
I used the book NoSQL for Mere Mortals® to summarized the below answers.
Column family stores: Strength: great way to distribute data globally with high availability. It performs great with very large amounts of data distributed over many machines. Weakness: column oriented databases will be significantly slower when handling weather transactions.
Document database: Strength: Flexibility with the schema and supports querying more efficiently. Weakness: there is no standard query syntax.
Key-values stores: Strength: Simplest and easiest to implement. However, one of the weaknesses is that it doesn't perform well when querying or updating a particular value.
Graph database: Strength: designed for data whose relations are well represented as a graph and has elements which are interconnected. Graph databases are well-suited to irregular and complex structures. Weakness: Relationships are stored at the individual record level and uses more

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