
Twitter As An Example Of Modern Day Media

Decent Essays

Topic B: Twitter as sophistry An example in modern day media of what Socrates would consider to be sophistry is Twitter. The purpose of Twitter is to raise awareness on topics and ultimately, voice one’s opinions and/or beliefs. However, it serves another purpose such as being a news outlet for other users. Twitter can be considered sophistry for those who use Twitter as a news or informative social media site. The stories that are told on the site are usually smaller segments of a full story which can lead to someone arguing whether the story is valid or not. Validation is shown through retweets, favorites and responses. This type of validation focuses on if the person is wrong or right. Therefore, when people make tweets, it is generally an insight of how he or she feels about a certain issue or topic. That person does not focus on presenting the overall facts, but rather state facts that support his or her opinion. The sources that are presented to support a person’s claim on Twitter may also be from non-credible sources. For example, the presidential election is coming up in 2016 tweets by pages like Big Sexy Jeb! Lund about Ben Carson being crazy (Mobute) are examples of bias tweets about this big event from non-credible sources. Twitter, in fact, is a constraint for those who want to develop a full story in order to get a point across. The site or person needs to be giving the viewer unbiased facts and the entirety of the story so that they may render the best

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