
Type 1 Diabetes Research Paper

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Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that can affect multiple system of the body that range from the urinary system to the nervous system. The effects of such a diseases can be very detrimental on an individual life. Individuals that develop such a disease require tons of medications, exercise and a very drastic change in diet that might eliminate certain foods. Although there are no cures for such a disease different types of medication can be used ranging from pill form to insulin injections. Diabetes also comes with many negative symptoms that drain the bodies physically and mentally. There are 3 types of diabetes that are very dissimilar when it comes to cause, treatment and symptoms. Awareness for such a disease can be a very important aspect that must be taken in to consideration to avoid the development of this disorder and in this …show more content…

Gestational Diabetes The lasts type of diabetes is gestational diabetes which develops in pregnant women which can eventually, later on, develop into type 2 diabetes if not treated accordingly. Avoidance When it comes to avoiding diabetes, only certain types can be avoided while other types cannot be avoided due to the fact that type 1 diabetes is a disease that is genetically inherited and passed on from parent to offspring thus the only solution to such a disease is to maintain a healthy normal lifestyle in hopes to avoid any complications and negative symptoms, there are many ways a person can change their lifestyle which is discussed farther on in this report under the treatment topic. Furthermore, type 2 and gestational diabetes are developed throughout an individual life time and somewhat inherited due to the fact that individual with relatives with such a disease have a high chance of developing it, but can also still avoid developing. Type

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