
Urban Gentrification Essay

Decent Essays

Gentrification is a trend in urban neighborhood where it indicates change in a population where it could have much much impact on a city. They kind of impact could be economic where it could affect neighbors tremendously. As said by smith, gentrification is driven by the demands of production and the necessity to earn profit among builders, developers, landlords, mortgage lenders, government agencies, and real estates as well (Smith, 128), especially here in New York
City. It is clear that many neighborhoods in NYC are much more beneficial in production than others and the neighborhoods that are struggling need our focus to which is why smith introduces the rent- gap. The rent gap is what has constructed economic opportunity for reconstructing the central and inner city (Smith, pg.128) Neil Smith made a very important point which is,

“gentrification has been and still continues to be a critical task when it comes to urban geography of cities, such as New York City and cities around the world as well” (Smith, pg.129).

It is time to make a change in New York City. Recently the New York Council has passed a proposal where low- cost rental units will be built. This could definitely benefit the neighborhoods who haven’t seen much change in a long time. These people who live in certain neighbors need to be able to …show more content…

In the article “New York Passes Rent Rules to Blunt Gentrification,” explains how gentrification in neighbors is affected the society and if we don't do something about it, it will keep having an affect on these people. Beginning to develop low-cost rental is definitely a start to help improve New York City and will be much more affordable for

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