
Use Of Mood In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde come out a nightmare by the author Robert Louis Stevenson. This fact helps me make up my mind on the mood. In this novel author Robert Louis Stevenson uses imagery, diction, details, to create a grim mood. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has a lot of grim imagery. “In spite of biting weather” (88-89). The word biting has a negative connotation and painting a dark picture. “full of premature twilight” (85). This quote shows a dark picture and a descriptive picture. “ her bones audible shatter” (69). This quote goes I so much detail to explain something so grim. This book display a grim mood by painting in a vivid picture a grim picture. In this book Robert Louis Stephenson uses grim diction. “Sinister block of builders” (49).

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