
Use Of Social Media Platforms Aids And Promote Sporting Brands

Good Essays

Aim: To assess the use of social media platforms aids and promote the sporting brands within the consumer behaviour.
• To define the social media and identify the sporting brands associated with consumer behaviour.

• By examining how brand attributes influences the responses of the sporting brands in terms of social media.

• By investigating how social media platforms in particular, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram affect consumers on sporting brands (case studies).

• Recommend the social media marketing tools in order to increase the usage of sporting brands and create an engagement with the consumers.

Social media portrays a crucial role in everyday lives of individuals across the world and evolving in their …show more content…

dissatisfaction customer service to the organisation (Mangold and Faulds 2009) For example, if a customer is dissatisfied with their product, that could result in a bad publicity image to the organisation.
Referring to this study, similar research from Sharpio et al (2013) suggests that using social media platforms to receive information about the sport teams or organisations has a positive influence on intentions to purchase products of sponsors. For example, sponsor firms can benefit through exposing their logo or brand name to the target audience (Cornwell et al 2005)
Gladden and Funk (2001) also mentioned that the brand attributes and benefits were strongly apparent in the brand loyalty, since it is linked to behavioural loyalty. This also demonstrates the behaviours of loyal spectators such as the repeat of purchasing tickets (seasonal tickets holder) and attend the sport events frequently, which could gain a competitive advantage for the sport organisations. (Bee & Havitz 2010)
Regarding the issue of consumer behaviour, organisations could improve their perceived quality of their brands (Keller 2001) whilst adjusting their marketing strategies to enhance the brand image (Simmons 2007)
From the research of consumer’s segmentation behaviours, there are type of consumers who use social media such as “entertainment seekers” and “social shoppers”. (McDonald 1996) The several studies states that they have achieved a

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