

Decent Essays

Utilitarianism in its very basic form calls for putting benevolence into action, and by extension calling for people to be concerned with the good of a population in general. More or less, through such an ethical theory, we are encouraged to explore the full range of consequences of our actions and provides direction of how we can make difficult tradeoffs between different kinds of values in a humane and acceptable fashion. Therefore, the application of utilitarianism in our day to day decisions involves calculating the various consequences of different actions and selecting the one with the highest net benefit.
The case of Theresa Ann Campo Pearson, popularly known as “Baby Theresa”, provides for us an example in which the theory of utilitarianism …show more content…

Happiness is thus derived from these two factors. Therefore, for an action to conform to utility (with respect to the community at large) it has to augment the happiness of the community more than it would diminish it (Bentham, 169). In Baby Theresa’s case, the goal is to find which action would increase the overall happiness of those involved. Due to her anencephalic nature, it is safe to say that Baby Theresa would not register any form of pain, pleasure or feel anything at all. So if there be any pain or pleasure experienced, it would be by those who empathize with her condition; in this case the parents or any other concerned persons. While it is typical for any parent to feel the pain of losing their child, we see in this case that the parents themselves willingly volunteered her organs. Therefore, to Baby Theresa’s parents, the action of having their daughter die and her organs donated to those in need seemed to provide them with the greater net utility (not necessarily pleasure per se). At the same time, the children (presumably) who would have received the organs obviously would have benefited, and their parents too, and any other concerned stakeholders.
John Stuart Mill, in the greatest happiness principal, states that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the …show more content…

It seems acceptable to the utilitarian to kill one person to save two or more. Yet this is an over simplified assertion. If such were the case, a few people would be killed every now and then for their organs to benefit the many. In fact, there have been cases in various parts of the world where beggars and homeless persons would be rounded up and their organs forcefully harvested. Such an action, in my opinion is wrong and totally unacceptable. But we still need to reconcile the utility principle with the situation at hand. If Baby Theresa was a normal healthy child, of course there would be no argument against her staying alive. Even a physical disability would not warrant the actions her parents proposed. It is safe to assume that had she had an estimated survival of a year, or at least two months, then harvesting her organs should have been a contentious issue. However, as an anencephalic, Baby Theresa being alive was doing her no good. According to James Rachels’ benefits argument on Baby Theresa, being alive is a benefit only if it enables you to carry on activities and have thoughts, feelings and relations with other people—none of which Baby Theresa could

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