
Virginia Woolf Characteristics

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Virginia Woolf was, in simple terms, a person. She had many different components that made her who she was. She was a feminist. And mentally ill. She once said, “I detest the masculine point of view. I am bored by his heroism, virtue, and honour. I think the best these men can do is not talk about themselves anymore.” She thought men always got the to be the hero in things, they were always honored, rather than women. She felt that they shouldn’t get all the attention, and always talk about themselves. She wanted people to talk more about women being the hero, and women being honored. Virginia woolf was a important author in the 20th century because of her feminist views.

She was born on January 25th, 1882 in Kensington, United Kingdom. She was a english writer in the 20th century, she is considered one of the most modern writers of that time. Her father was a journalist, and had a large library. Even though she wasn’t allowed a education like males, she made the best of the library and educated herself. She died on March 28th, 1941 by drowning herself. She put rocks in her coat pockets and then went into a river by her home.

Though she thought she didn’t need a husband she was married to Leonard Woolf. He was also a author. Due to being sexually abused by her step-brother, Virginia didn’t respond to sex, she thought that you only needed to love your husband, which she did. She was offend rather obsessed with women, and first fell for one named Violet Dickinson, who was

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