
WZT 1 Task 2 Essay

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WZT 1 Task 2 WGU Sally Perez WZT 1 Task 2 Procedure Until recently it was not uncommon for patients admitted to an acute care facility to have an indwelling catheter anchored for unnecessary reasons. Patients that came in thru the emergency department typically were sent to the units with unnecessary indwelling catheters in place and it was not unusual for a surgery patient to have an indwelling catheter anchored before or during a procedure. Once a patient was admitted and was transported to the units nursing would also anchor indwelling catheters for multiple unnecessary reasons. These Catheters could be …show more content…

Urologic Nursing, 32 (1): 29-37. Carter, Nina M, Reitmeier, Laura, Goodloe, Lauren R. (2014). An Evidence-Based Approach To the Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection. Urologic Nursing, 34 (5): 238-45. Hooton, T., Bradley, S., Cardenas, D., Colgan, R., Geerlings, S., Rice, J., Nicolle, L. (2010). Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of catheter-associated urinary track infection in adults: 2009 international clinical practice guidelinges from the infectious diseases society of America. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 50(March): 625-663. Knoll, Bettina M.; Wright, Deborah; Ellingson, LeAnn; Kraemer, Linda; Patire, Ronald; Kuskowski, Michael A.; Johnson, James R. (2011). Reduction of Inappropriate Urinary Catheter Use at a Veterans Affairs Hospital Through a Multifaceted Quality Improvement Project. Clinical Infectious Diseases. Vol. 52 Issue 11, 1283-1290. DOI: 10.1093/cid/cir188. Mori, C. (2014). A-Voiding Catastrophe: Implementing a Nurse-Driven Protocol. MedSurg Nursing. 23 (1), 15-28. Clinical Implications An implemented change that would reduce the rates of CAUTI’s in acute health care facilities would be evidence based nurse lead protocols. The protocols would not only benefit the hospitals but they would also contribute to patient satisfaction scores.

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