
Website Evaluator Tool

Decent Essays

1. Is your source reliable? Explain why or why not. (Please use the website evaluator tool to help you). This website is reliable. We looked at the website evaluator tool and we realized that our article fulfilled the requirements. We found the author, there were no broken links, and there is a lot of contact information for all of the authors and publishers of the website. Also you can not change the information on the website. 2. Who were/are the key individuals mentioned in the article? Clearly identify at least two, mentioning nationality and the position. Since this article is talking about the comparison of The Bible and The Quran, Jesus and Muhammad are mentioned. Muhammad is a prophet in the Muslim religion, and Jesus is the son of God in Christianity. 3. In what area(s) of the world did this recent development take place? Be specific. This article was written in Charlotte, North Carolina. 4. What is the most significant finding(s) in the article? Summarize this clearly in several sentences. …show more content…

First, The Bible has sixty-six books, while the Quran has one hundred fourteen chapters. Second, the Bible was written by forty people, and the Quran was entirely about the life of a single author, Muhammad. Lastly, both books are “guides” about living your life, but the Bible is a religious manuscript, and the Quran defines a way of life. 5. Make a prediction about what will likely happen in the future concerning the issue that was discussed in your article? Explain why you feel this outcome will occur. There isn’t a big issue within the article, but later on maybe scholars will find that the books are more similar than different. Islam and Christianity are similar religions that are monotheistic, and believe that the followers should be loyal to their God. 6. What bias, if any, appears in the article? Explain your

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