
What Are The Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And Today

Decent Essays

Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 and today’s society depict several differences such as education and the idea of a fireman; however, one essential similarity exists which presents the similarity between technology in both societies. Throughout the novel the way children become educated shows a great difference than today's society. In the novel, Clarisse, a student in one of the many schools, discusses her average school day to Montag, the protagonist in the novel . She states, “An hour of TV class, an hour of basketball or running. . . we never ask questions. . . they just run answers at you. . . sitting there for four more hours of film teacher.” (Bradbury 27). Since the students had the television class, the teachers did not …show more content…

The students were not allowed to ask questions or expand on topics. In this time period, children are encouraged to be curious and explore the world around them. In the novel, the word firemen is raised multiple times. In contrast from today’s society, firemen like Montag illustrated stingy people who burnt books for the government and for their well being. The firemen would start fires, not extinguish them as said here, “Is it true that long ago firemen put out fires out instead of going to start them?” (Bradbury 6). The firemen would start fires to burn the outlawed books, and they would burn the houses of people that kept books hidden. Another contrast from today’s society, is displayed when the firemen had hoses that squirted kerosene rather than water as stated here, “With the brass nozzle in his fists. . . the great python spitting venomous kerosene.” (Bradbury 1) The firemen would use this kerosene to start fires by hosing the books and houses down in kerosene. Today’s firemen use water to extinguish the fires rather than kerosene to begin them. Despite the differences between the societies, there exists one essential similarity being

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