
What Do We Know About Creativity By Jose Gomez

Decent Essays

In What Do We Know About Creativity? Jose Gomez defines an idea as being creative when it “brings new insight to a given situation….[it] includes the ability to change one’s approach to a problem, produce ideas that are both relevant and unusual” (30). This quote is very important because it gives an idea of a way to classify what a creative idea can look like. I find it particularly difficult to define what creativity means because when I think of the word creativity, I think of an indefinite amount of things that would fit under the word. I believe coming up with a concise definition would be near impossible without leaving out multiple ways to exercise the word. The way this author describes a creative idea is helpful because he manages to …show more content…

However, this article gave me insight that I am creative, maybe not artistically, but I am able to be creative when coming up with ideas and solutions to solve problems. “Creative experience only comes after considerable effort and time has been put into projects” (30). This quote is especially important when it comes to understanding what creativity is about. It stresses that creativity does not come in the first five seconds after you struggle to finish a project. I think this is an important concept that students need to internalize because when most students struggle (I being one), they get frustrated and want to give up. When this happens some students are so focused on how frustrated they are that they will not be able to brainstorm an idea to fix the problem. Hence, not allowing themselves to be creative because they now just want to hurry up and finish it. So when this article stresses that it takes time to come up with creative ideas this is super relevant to everyone, especially college students

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