
What Is Bottled Water A Good Idea?

Decent Essays

As of right now,there is much wrong with the world. Wars are being fought, crime, rape and racism are still undoubtedly alive. This upsets countless people, movements have been made while others brawled back. With much crisis going on, numerous people seem to forget where it is all happening; Earth, mother of all things. Species whom have been around longer than humans are impelling extinction, the polar ice caps are melting, and landfills are overflowing. It is a terrifying thought to consider that the ones at fault for all of this is mankind. Each individual has a role in addressing environmental sustainability, and most are not doing their part.

The majority of people appreciate bottled water as it is healthy and ideal to transport …show more content…

Complications begin when plastic becomes involved. “Manufacturing, transporting, and refrigerating the more than 40 billion plastic bottles of water consumed annually in the U.S requires the equivalent of more than 50 million barrels of crude oil.” (Janet Larsen,”Is Bottled Water a Good Idea?”) Consequently, the conflict continues to worsen. The majority of the water bottles end up in waterways and overflowing landfills, harming ecosystems despite their complete recyclability. Thus, further proving that each individual plays a role in the sustainability of the Earth, because one person on their own cannot accomplish an effective change. Resolving the conflict of water bottle overflow involves the people who consume them to begin recycling them or more appropriately, to begin using a refillable water bottle, a much better eco-friendly …show more content…

However, there have been attempts to stop this. The United States is the only industrialized country who does not have an international treaty which makes it illegal to export or traffic toxic e-waste. The idea is to stop dumping e-waste on the world’s poorest, poverty struck nations and to work towards safer waste management within the country. The European Union provides a model for industrial regulation, hoping that the burden of the e-waste would be put on manufacturers instead of the consumers. On the other hand, a more fitting choice would be to begin manufacturing the devices with an end of life plan. As of right now cell phones are designed to make disassembly difficult. Instead, ideas have been proposed to sell the devices with prearranged disposal service or to allow users to exchange their old phone for a new one instead of throwing them away improperly. With the idea in mind that individuals play a role in environmental sustainability, this provides incentive that people would be more interested in trading in their old phones for new ones while saving the earth at the same

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