
What Is Dehumanization Quotes In Night

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Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, Recounts his first-hand experiences of Nazi atrocities in his memoir, Night as Wiesel struggles to maintain faith. Inhumanity and cruelty are two key parts relating to dehumanization in the novel Night by Elie Wiesel. Inhumanity and cruelty dehumanization of Jews during the Holocaust. This cruelty is important to the theme in this book because this is what the Holocaust is about. This book focuses on the Jews of Sighet because that is where the author Elie is from, the book entails the horrendous story of one Jew and his father out of six million Jews. Cruelty is directly related to this book as a whole because it is basically what the Holocaust is about, Nazi’s and Germans mistreating Jewish people because …show more content…

(109) The Jews by lose their faith in their god when the Germans hung a little boy, and he was dangling there struggling to die, and a Jew next to Elie said “where is god when this boy is suffering?” Elie said back to the man “God is here, he is hanging from the ropes” ( 90) As a result Elie loses faith in hs god. Inhumanity and cruelty were shown when the Jews were stripped of their identity, hair, jewelry, and shoes. The Germans stripped the Jews of everything because they did not want to have individuality among the Jews in the camps. The Germans gave the Jews numbers that were tattooed on the arms so they could be kept up with. It is almost like in prison how they have numbers so they do not get mixed up or lost track of. Once they had numbers the Jews were told to go to the barracks and they were given striped blue and white uniforms. This was also savage because it was the middle of winter. The Jews wore very little clothing causing some Jews to die from the cold and …show more content…

They did this because they felt that their dads were a burden on their shoulders as if they were slowing them down and the kids could survive without them. Elie once had these feelings about his dad when in the book he said that he thought his dad was dead, but Elie instantly regretted these thoughts because he had to protect his dad. Elie thought that if his dad died, he would no longer have a reason to live. Elie felt very strong about his dad because he was always protecting him and not letting him die. In one situation he would not let the other Jews throw him out of the cattle cart when they were on their way to Gleiwitz. Elie also tried his best to stay by his father’s side no matter what, even if it meant almost getting shot; He did this because Elie’s dad also protected him during the marches by not letting him fall asleep in the snow, this was so he would not

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