
Racism In The Workplace Essay

Decent Essays

“Racism is man’s greatest threat to man – the maximum of natured for a minimum of reason” – Abraham Joshua Heschel. Racism is a very serious issue today as well as in the past. With that being said you will see this all over the world. I’m person against racism. I believe all should be treated equally. I could not imagine the feeling of being separated because of the color of my skin. In the past and even say races in the running rapid and workplaces schools and even the churches.

To start off, racism is a large problem in work places. From, the way they treat blacks compared to whites. As well as people assuming whites are smarter than blacks. This was more of an issue in the past, but occasionally occurs today. People went to the extent of forcing blacks to use a separate bathroom. The whites did not want to have anything to do with the blacks. Blacks needed to work double or even triple the amount just to show their abilities otherwise they were overlooked. It was almost as if they put this reputation on blacks. With that being said, this issue is fixed by the small degrees after Martin Luther King but still occurs on rare occasions. …show more content…

I personally think students categorized by their race instead of their natural abilities is wrong. Studies show that black students are out down and taught by the less experienced. Compared to the white students who get the reputation of being smart and taught by the most experienced. Another example of racism is brought out through bullying. This example is shown in To Kill a Mocking Bird. A student is judged about the fact that his father knows a black man. That the amount of extent, this went to. Not even being friends with just knowing someone. In conclusion, racism in schools still happens today and is an ongoing

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