
What Is The New Deal Essay

Decent Essays

In 1932 America was in a time of crisis. They were in the middle of the Great Depression, the worst thing to happen since the Civil War. Over 13 million people were unemployed. Franklin Roosevelt was elected President in the fall of 1932 and promised great change to our struggling country. Our country needed to get out of the Great Depression, He stated actions that needed to happen in order for our country to succeed, and he had a different master plan than other countries that would help a struggling America.
The Great Depression was started from the horrific stock market crash in October of 1929. Many people lost their life savings as the market crashed. This scared everyone to take their money out of the banks which hurt the economy even …show more content…

He came up with a plan that he called the New Deal. This created many programs for those who were struggling to try to get them more jobs and get the economy going. This plan eventually failed and new program called the Second New Deal was put in place with more active and aggressive programs to help our country. In France, they had a similar plan that was created that helped give more rights to its workers. They put in laws to try to establish a minimum wage to help the economy become more stable. This plan eventually failed in 1938. France was constantly changing types of government throughout this time period which led them to become vulnerable to the rising Natzi Germany. In Germany they had many similar problems as the United States with many people being homeless and unemployed. They were also struggling with a lack of confidence in their nation after losing World War 1. All of these factors led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and Natzi Germany. They began to take complete control over all of Germany and become a Totalitarian state. This was successful to help Germany unite, but because the Totalitarian government held too much power over its people, it led to the creation of Natzi

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