
What Makes A Great Leader?

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Many people are responsible for providing Americans with the freedoms we have today. Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton were great world leaders due to their contributions to society, government, and public relations. In general, these men have contributed to our country in many ways; for example, they drafted the United States Constitution. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay published the Federalist Papers. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence; John Adams, John Marshall, and Patrick Henry passed legislation that created a national government. What makes a person a leader, or rather, what makes them a great leader? John Adams, was an exceptional man who helped secure …show more content…

Our government today is still modeled after John Adams’s idea of separation of power. Adams’s idea to have three branches of government was ingenious; the three branches created checks and balances. With this idea, no branch would have more power than the other. John Adams, who embodied political greatness, served on a committee to create the Declaration of Independence (“John Adam”). To be a leader, one must know how to problem solve whether those problems are taxation without representation or negotiating treaties to end wars. Johns Adams would be an excellent candidate to sit on the commission because he embodies what is fair and just.
Alexander Hamilton was a gifted and intelligent man. Alexander left college to begin a career in politics. He proved his self-worth in war and in government. After taking victory at York Town, he realized that our congressional issues came from the Articles of the Confederation (“Articles of Confederation”). Hamilton believed that the articles divided the nation instead of unifying it, which was why we needed a stronger government. The Articles of Confederation left the government weak, unable to tax, and with no way to enforce the act congress passed (“Alexander Hamilton”). Realizing this, Hamilton fought to secure a strong central government, along with John Jay and James Madison who together wrote eighty-five essays called the Federalist Papers (The

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