
White Collar Crime And Nonviolar Crime

Decent Essays

When we think of crime today what comes to mind? The robbing of a gas station? Breaking and entering into a house at night? Murder? While it is true that all of these are indeed forms of crime there is another criminal component in today’s world that does not get recognized as much as the others. This is white collar crime. In white collar crime, the victim rarely sees the offender face to face. Instead technology is used to create false financial statements and steal money from corporations, individuals, or both.
Simply defined, white collar crime can be described as “A nonviolent crime committed for financial gain.” White collar crime can occur in the form of securities fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, and other illegal activities than generate financial returns outside of legal practices. In the extremely competitive business world, white collar crime and other scandals are unfortunately very common. Just recently one of the United States largest banking companies, Wells Fargo, was found to have generated over 3 million fake banking or credit card accounts. The source of these fake accounts stems from lofty sales goals set by the Wells Fargo management team. As employees struggle to meet goals and keep their jobs, good people can turn to bad and often illegal decisions to stay afloat.
Money has been, and always will be one of the most motivational rewards our world has to offer to the aspiring businessman. We as a society look at the titans of business as gods

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