
Who Is Beowulf A Hero

Decent Essays

The story of Beowulf is focused on him as a hero, not as a king. The story of Beowulf is considered a heroic epic which is a story that focuses on the heroism of a certain individual. The story is about the heroic deeds of Beowulf, not his kingly duties. Beowulf is admired for great achievements, he is capable of good strengths, and he is a great warrior and savior. Beowulf has to face enemies, travel the world, and he has humility. You become a king solely because you are next in line for the throne. A king only rules his throne and doesn't have to be a warrior, Beowulf practically ruled the whole world and was the considered one of the best warriors in history. Beowulf has notable hero characteristics. Although Beowulf was next in the line

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