
Why Beowulf Is A Hero

Decent Essays

After reading the story of "Beowulf," I think Beowulf is a hero. He was strong, fair, an outstanding fighter and very loyal to all who came into his presence. The story gives examples of his great courage and his fierce strength. In the story, Beowulf took on sea monsters and crushed them in his grip. When Beowulf went into battle, he believed in a fair fight. Here’s some of the reason why I think he is a hero. Fairness is an important part of heroism. Beowulf expresses fairness in many forms throughout the story. His most significant display of fairness is when he evenhandedly defeated Grendel. “With hand-grip only I’ll grapple with Grendel; foe against foe I’ll fight to the death,” Beowulf informed King Hrothgar. Beowulf didn’t want to just defeat his enemies, but to defeat them with pride and honor. He wanted his battles to be just and evenhanded. Therefore, if Beowulf’s adversary had no weapons, he too fought only with his bare hands. He believed that no fighter should have the upper hand. He showed fairness to all he came across, including his enemies. …show more content…

The idea of chivalry centers around loyalty - loyalty to a leader, to friends, and to love. In Beowulf, we see loyalty to leaders many times. When hearing of the attacks by Grendel, Beowulf rushes to the aid of Hrothgar, a friend of his father’s. Beowulf’s father once started a feud, which Hrothgar helped to end. Hrothgar recalls, “Ecgtheow acknowledged me with oaths of allegiance.” It is loyalty to his father that gives Beowulf the cause to be there. Beowulf brings his bravest soldiers with him, and those soldiers go because they are loyal to Beowulf even though the stories of Grendel's attacks are

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