
Why Bother Michael Pollan Analysis

Decent Essays

American author and journalist, Michael Pollan, in the article titled, “Why Bother?”, published in The New York Times Magazine, addresses the topic of environmental issues and argues that the phrase, “why bother?”, is what is keeping society from changing the ways citizens use up resources. His main focus of reasoning is supported by his idea that specialization has a significant role in reducing the average consumer’s chance of changing their lifestyle and also highlights that planting your own garden would be a task which in turn would benefit the consumer in many ways, while also decreasing their carbon footprint size. He concludes that these actions taking place could have a chain reaction that would spread these practices across the nation and lead to positive impacts on the environment. Although specialization can have its advantages in civilizations by providing a sense of security to the public, the idea halts the opinions and actions of many who feel as if they shouldn’t get involved in an areas in which they don't have significant power. Michael Pollan argues the similar idea when he states, “We can no longer imagine anyone but an expert, or anything but a new technology or law, solving our problems.” Pollan also argues that a main factor that …show more content…

The journalist stresses that having your own garden can significantly decrease the size of one’s carbon footprint and also brings up the point that “by engaging both body and mind, time spent in the garden is time (and energy) subtracted from electronic forms of entertainment” (Pollan). For those who might question the effectiveness of gardening as means of consuming enough food, Pollan notes that “during World War II, victory gardens supplied as much as 40 percent of the produce Americans ate”. This clearly establishes the credibility of Pollan’s argument and his urgent way of presenting

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