
Why College Education Is Important To Me

Satisfactory Essays

Shakaara Brown AC1603390 EN110 Achieving Academic Excellence Assignment 4: “Why college education is important to me” May 29, 2016 “A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated’- Horace Mann. The words from this quote speaks volumes. Acquiring something as great as your education, brings fourth greater opportunities for the future. For me, going to college is one of the greatest gift life could offer, and I believe that getting an education is the key to individual growth and accomplishments. Being educated makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. It builds you up mentally and provides you with an extreme amount of confidence you never knew you had. I was always taught in order to have a solid foundation for your life, it starts off by getting your education. Having a college education is the gateway to better opportunities. It not only provides you with the skills in order to set a foundation, but it leaves room for growth, more money, and more knowledge. I believe that living in the society we live in today; I can’t survive financially with just my high school diploma. According to the article “Importance of Education by Jeff McGuire (2012) he states that “As opposed to …show more content…

It also gives many of us the chance to socialize, network, and make new friends. Going to college you’re more likely to make a diverse group of friends. This gives us the opportunity to learn about different religions, cultural backgrounds, and personalities were not used to. When we're exposed to different things is helps gain knowledge and broadens our perspective. According to In 2004, 79% of people with graduate degrees and 73% of college graduates thought it "very important to try to understand the reasoning behind the opinions of others" compared to 67% of associate degree holders, 64% of high school graduates, and 59% of high school

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