
Why Companies Should Pay Attention On Technology And Talent

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One of the most significant part of business is a supply chain and today it is far more complex than ever before. According to Mack and Media (2013), “The most effective supply chains deliver products as fast and as cheaply as possible without sacrificing quality”. In order to succeed in doing so, it is strongly believed that companies should pay attention to technology and talent. What is supply chain? Cottrill (2010) notes that “People often think it is only about moving boxes, something to do with transport and logistics; it almost gets narrowed down to the warehousing and delivery piece”. In reality, supply chain does not only focus on moving products from one place to another places. It involves every stages from the beginning that customers want to buy products until they pay and become satisfied with goods. Manufacturer and suppliers, customers, retailers, warehouses and transporters are all parts of the supply chain (Chopra et al., 2004). Due to globalization and market uncertainties, there is a changing competitive environment in doing business. I believe that a supply chain can keep on improving in such condition by implementing ‘The Triple-A Supply Chain’ strategy which is agile, adaptable and aligned. The term agile refers to an ability to quickly respond to unexpected changes for instance natural disasters and epidemics. Adaptable can be defined as an ability to adjust oneself to deal with problems such as political changes and demographic trends in order to

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