
Why I Want For Pre K

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Honestly, when choosing an age group to write about for this paper I found myself really unsure. Most of my teaching years has been spent with mostly infants and toddlers. Yes I have volunteered in a lot of pre-k classrooms but I’m really not that experienced with this age group. When I finally decided on an age group I thought pre-k would be the best fit for me. The reason why I choose pre-k is because I have volunteered and some pre-k class rooms and this was the best age that was closed to the age groups that I am used to working with. As an educator, I believe my main job is to make sure that I am teaching/helping my student to the best of my ability. As an educator, one of my jobs is to make sure that I give all of my students the best information and experiences that they need to be successful in school and in life. For this paper I will discuss three theories that I feel is important to use when teaching young children math, reading, science and fine arts. The three theories that I feel best describe and work with my teaching styles is Vygotsky Zone of proximal development, Bronfenbrenner microsystem theory and Piaget preoperational stage theory. Educator should always follow educational theories and philosophies because in order to teach a child correctly we must know and understand how they learn and process information. Theory or Philosophy #1 When a child is pushed too hard to do something or is not challenged enough it can really make a child disappointed.

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