
Why Is Park51 Important To People?

Decent Essays

Writing is a way to convey our emotions toward a person, place or thing. When writing any form of text an author is writing to a particular type of audience. However, the audience the author would want to reach out to might not necessarily be the only audience who reads the author’s message. A few years back I came across an article about Park51. The article mentioned how Park51 would be similar to a YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) except instead of Christian it would be Muslim. Similarly to YMCA, Park51 would be open to people of all religion and would create a community. Yet, in the article it specifies how Park51 was very offensive to the victims of 9/11 because it would contain a mosque, which is related to Muslims. The author of the article was using the term Muslim and terrorist as a synonym. The author’s intentions were to display his or her view of the …show more content…

After immediately reading the article I became a hateful person toward everyone that I believed who could possibly share the view of that article. Yet, I did not stay in such a hateful state. I decided if I continue to feed this rage inside of me I could never be happy. I learned to forgive and not to take the views of others to heart. I forgave and moved on after reading this text that was hateful toward me by realizing people are so unhappy that they will find any excuse to be hateful toward each other. When society decides to generalize people not only Muslims, but also any form of generalization still angers me to an extent. Yet, after that anger passes I learn to forgive those hateful people and to still stand up for those who are discriminated against. If someone were to rebuttal discrimination with discrimination no conflict would be resolved. However, if you chose to forgive their ignorance and try to reason at first or to forgive you can reach a state of peace and

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