
Why Should We Bother Analysis

Decent Essays

A. 1. My children have always told me that I can sense and see things that most aren’t able to. I love to go on walks and during those walks I see, hear, and smell natures wonders; flowers, clouds, butterflies, birds. I enjoy seeing and hearing them all. I don’t go through life with my blinders up very often. I try to take in everything that is there to see; this is where I feel closest to nature. 2. Why bother? We have been hearing of the dire warnings regarding climate change for decades, starting with Al Gore. We all know changes must be made, but how can we ensure that everyone will participate in those changes. How can I as one person make enough adjustments in my lifestyle to make a difference? And if no one else does, why bother? We have to bother. One at a time, when we add it all up, we can make a difference. We have tried getting legislation passed to bring about changes, but without everyone making an effort, that fell short. …show more content…

We have to set an example for others to care as much as we do, start a “chain reaction of behavioral change”. We need to start thinking; get rid of the cheap energy mentality, and start living green; less energy consumption, hybrids when at all possible, less resource waste, garden. Yes garden. Planting a garden provides you an almost free meal and no “carbon footprint”. This incorporates truly cheap energy; good old sunshine, photosynthesis. You also can get exercise while you are weeding your garden. Not only will you provide yourself with foods, you will be revitalizing the ground you are working in. Natural fertilizers, compost, water and working the ground contributes to its health as well. After a time, you might also realize there are other small things you can to make a

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