
Why Talent Management Is The Key Items For Win The War For Talent

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Strategic Issues to be addressed to “win the war for talent”
Talent management is the core to “win the war for talent”. It is more than just recruitment and selection of people for a company. At strategic level, it is also about decisions and its human capital implications. Given below are broad areas which need to be managed and addressed in order to have an effective talent management.
• Talent Strategy and Planning - The challenge is in clearly determining the strategic objectives, business plan and their impact on people. It is important to determine and establish human capital needs and have a well defined demand / supply forecasting capability. HR leadership needs to be absolutely and positively be involved in developing these strategy and plans. A best-in-class talent management strategy should address the following 7 key items
 Keeping the end game in mind
 Type of talent that the business needs
 Identify the talent gaps
 Identifying high potentials
 Assessing readiness for leadership transitions
 Accelerating development
 Focusing and driving performance
• Recruiting critical talent - This requires assessing the talent pool options. Analyzing sourcing Infrastructure – Internal / external. Exercising the various sourcing channels like social media, job portals, etc. Lack of quality information on the candidate is a challenge, in spite of using the best interviewing skills, referrals, etc. Assessing soft skills and adaptability to the company culture is

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