
Wisan's Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

William felt the weight of Mary’s accusatory glare. He wanted to remind her that she had never particularly liked the idea of voting for a Mormon, but he decided it wasn’t worth the argument, so he changed the subject. “I found out where I’ll be student teaching.” “Where?” “Cheshire High School.” “Nice and close.” “Yup, right up Route 10.” “I’m happy for you.” “I was invited to something else, too.” “What?” “Something called Rosewood.” “What’s that?” “I’m not entirely sure. Dr. Wisan told me about it just a few minutes ago; he went out of his way to recommend me. He had to run off to teach class, so I didn’t get too much detail. It’s somewhere in Virginia. I think it comes with a teaching job offer - something about new charter schools …show more content…

Wisan. Dr. Wisan’s reputation as a radical preceded him. His political views were the stuff of legend on campus. As a hard-right libertarian in the 1960’s, he had been actively involved with a group of radicals who were branded anarchists by the Federal Government. In the era of free love and anti-war protest, Dr. Wisan aligned himself with a virulent strain of anti-government forces. His writings framed much of the intellectual fervor spurned by the likes of Ayn Rand and the John Birch Society. William understood the discrete difference between the vision advocated by Dr. Wisan, and the worldview of the counter-culture, left wing, 1960's anti-war activists. Though their anti-government aims were similar in many respects, the nuanced yet profound philosophical differences were lost on Mary, who held the same distain for anyone who didn’t share her Christian-tinged conservative …show more content…

“Be careful, he’s not like us. I don’t want to see you get roped into anything.” “You’ve got him all wrong, Mary. He believes in the same things we believe in, he just takes a different philosophical road to get there.” “Oh, I understand his principles perfectly well, thank-you-very-much. He’s all for letting the homosexuals, abortionists, and do-whatever-you-want liberals have their Sodom, just so long as we’re allowed to have our Eden. That’s not what we stand for. It’s our responsibility to make sure everyone is provided a path to Jesus, even if that path comes with a crop and a cane in the hand of government.” William didn’t take the bait. He admired Mary for her unwavering commitment to conservative principles, even if they came with a heavy dose of fire and brimstone. “There’s no harm in checking it out,” William said. “Why don’t you just stick to the plan? Finish up your Masters in Education and then we’ll find you a nice job in the parochial school system.” “I already told him I'd go; it can’t hurt to see what they have to offer.” “When?” Mary

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