
Workplace Discrimination

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Since the passage of this law, women have been fighting continuously for their rights. Equal Rights Advocates have been in commission for the 1974, which is one of the ground breaking forces that have helped women in workplace discrimination. As women believed that discrimination in the workplace would disappear since sex was added as a protected category in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, there was another factor that was against them; pregnancy. Unfortunately, the ERA feels as though this is still under the protected category of sex, because only women can get pregnant. Which means that it is based upon a person’s sex. When employers are interviewing candidates for specific positions it is illegal for the employer to ask questions that pertains …show more content…

“Title VII was not designed to address many of the barriers to economic security for women that still exist today, such as a lack of paid leave and poor access to affordable, quality child care” (Farrell, et al. 4) In the case of women, there are differences among the smaller groups of women; like African American women, Latina women, Older women, and Women with disabilities, and etc. There are still situations that face these smaller groups of women in the workplace. In situations of lower wages for women, and even lower working wages for women of color. Some obstacles come with the territory, since these women are earning lower wages, they do not have a sufficient amount of money to pay for a lawyer to help them fight the injustices. In other cases, these women are scared of speaking up in fear that they will lose the job that they have. Even though there are policies in place for scenarios such as these, women of color are not always informed of their rights. Which is one of easiest ways white women have an advantage over them. White privilege becomes a factor, then because their educational privilege. As white privilege has allowed them to be well educated, where these topics are discussed and

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