
Worldview Of The Bhagavad Gita

Decent Essays

The Bhagavad Gita looks at the purpose of life in their own unique way. Cycles of human life can be perceived on varying levels, dependent on your religion and beliefs. When considering the Hindu beliefs, their worldviews can be described as the actions you enforce here on earth, motivated by either desire or duty. When living in a world dominated by personal inclinations, it is easy to fall into the temptations of selfish desire. Krishna radiates his concerns of exactly this in the form of apprehension, keeping his people’s best interests in mind. Due to the Hindu belief of reincarnation, the pressures of enforcing your actions through duty, not desire, is essential to restoring your “karma”. Regardless the worldview each religion holds, I understand that everyone’s common goal is joy in some form. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna establishes the worldview of Hinduism, while allowing for explanation of worldly desire and the cycle of life.
Each religion provides a quite hopeful ambiance. Hinduism in particular, allows for a guideline to all who will listen about eternal hope. Every being is faced with the choice of action, either by duty or desire. Krishna is yearning to voice to humanity that if our actions are inclined by any form of desire, it will cloud our understanding and only result in deeper, endless indulgences. This temptation of earthly desires can be controlled by the essence of self-control, eventually leading to tranquility and joy. Although humanly urges may

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