
Zacatecas Cultural Traditions

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Zacatecas takes “8th place nationwide as far as land expansion having 75,539 km2.” (Zacatecas Geography) Positioned in the “northern center of Mexico, its limits are with Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, on the east with San Luis Potosi, [on the] south with Aguascalientes and Jalisco, and on the west with Nayarit and Durango.” (Zacatecas Geography). The deepest canyon in Zacatecas, “[is] Las Lecheras, measures 3,050 meters (10,000 feet) deep” (5 themes of geography) which is pretty deep. It is surrounded by a full group of mountains, including the Chapultepec Sierra, Los García Plateau, Pico de Teira, Los Alamos Sierra, Las Bocas Sierra, Los Huacales, Grande Hill, the Sombrerete Sierra, and Zuldaca Sierra. There are countless mountains in Zacatecas …show more content…

Zacatecas’ national heritage is as well apparent in its many significant museums and traditional holidays. “Its cultural history is undeniable and is reflected in the number of cultural centers per one hundred thousand inhabitants. Zacatecas is number one in the country, with 3.69, in terms of the number of cultural centers per 100,000 inhabitants.” (Velarde, Ramon ) The amount of charms styles the state extra attractive, assuming the amount of “Magical Towns” that thrive around. The state of Zacatecas consumes five enchanted cities and is positioned directly above the state norm which is “2.66, besides it has 2.28 museums to every one hundred thousand inhabitants, more than Mexico City, which has 1.68 for every one hundred thousand inhabitants”( Velarde, Ramon), reflecting the standing the state places on culture. For sport lovers, Zacatecas has 2 golf courses: Fresnillo Club de Golf and Club de Golf Zacatecas. Fresnillo Club de Golf is the location of the yearly golf competition arranged by Sandvik Mining, one of the greatest respected in Mexico because of the prize provided by the patrons. As far as clothes shopping drives, Zacatecas partakes 2 malls: Centro Comercial Visión, positioned in Fresnillo and Galerías Zacatecas, placed in the …show more content…

They maily grow corn, beans, coffee, fruit, vegetables, cotton, wheat and sugarcanes. They live of their crops, they use them as source of food and if not they sell them to earn income for the family. They also have cows to breed them and sell them either for the milk or the meat because they use the cows for milk instead of going to the store and having to purchase milk. “Mexico produces approximately 17% of the world's total annual output of silver. Zacatecas produces about 40% of the country's total silver output which is more than Mexico City.” (5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY (ZACATECAS)) The largest mine is near Fresnillo, There are silver mines open to tourists. Zacatecas is known for its fine ironwork and for its buildings of pink sandstone. Tourists visit the cathedral (which dates from the 18th century) and Enrique Estrada Park, which has an aqueduct from the 18th century. Special events include the Zacatecas Fair (second week of September) and the De la Morisma Fair (celebrated the last three days in August). Most of the income does not come from tourism but from mining or agriculture. Making tourism more sustainable is not just about controlling and managing the negative impacts of the industry. Tourism is in a very special position to benefit local communities, economically and socially, and to raise awareness and support for conservation of the environment.

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