
Zodiac Killer Informative Speech

Decent Essays

I have chosen to do my informative speech on the unsolved mystery of the Zodiac Killer. Methods I will be using to captivate my audience from the book will be word pictures, numbers, key words, and to speak claerly. I plan on starting my speech with word pictures by setting the scene of the 1960s-1970s, this was the time period the Zodiac Killer was on his killing spree. This will help them be able to picture what it was like to live back then and hopefully help them remember my speech. I will use numbers to get my point across of how many people were killed and affected by the Zodiac Killer during his reign of terror. This will establish logos into my speech. I am also going to use key words to keep my audience interested and involved, to …show more content…

By doing this I will have established pathos and hopefully this will grab my audience’s attention. Since the Zodiac case is still considered unsolved to this day, I will let my audience decide for themselves who they think the killer was. I will only present facts and leave my opinion out so that it does not persuade anyone. This will establish a motive for my audience to listen to me, so that they can figure out who the killer is. From the book, I will use different learning styles to get my point across, I will also do something unexpected, and I will go review my main point. To get my point across to everyone in the audience I will use different learning styles. For the auditory learners, I will be speaking clearly, so that they can hear and understand all my information. I will be using a PowerPoint with both words and pictures for the visual learners and the visual print learners. Lastly for the kinesthetic learners I will ask for a show of hands of who has ever heard of the Zodiac Killer. I will do this so that they can be involved somehow. To keep my audience interested I will do something unexpected. I’m not going to say in this paper what I will be doing, because I want it to be a surprise to everyone. I could end my speech with the rhetorical question “now after hearing all the facts, who do you think the Zodiac Killer is?” or I could say “my grandfather was the Zodiac Killer and

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