2)Below is a sound pressure level spectrum in octave bands, measured at a receiver location distant from the source. The source and receiver of this sound are both 2 m off the ground. A barrier, 5.5 m tall, is built 3 m from the source.31.5 Hz 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz 68 dB 61 dB 53 dB 49 dB 37 dB 34 dB 29 dB 24 dB 20 dB Find the resulting insertion loss values for each octave band at write them down. Subtract these values from the given spectrum to find the spectrum with the barrier in place. Find the A-weighted total level at the receiver with the barrier in place.

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2)Below is a sound pressure level spectrum in octave bands, measured at a receiver location distant from the source. The source and receiver of this sound are both 2 m off the ground. A barrier, 5.5 m tall, is built 3 m from the source.31.5 Hz 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz 68 dB 61 dB 53 dB 49 dB 37 dB 34 dB 29 dB 24 dB 20 dB Find the resulting insertion loss values for each octave band at write them down. Subtract these values from the given spectrum to find the spectrum with the barrier in place. Find the A-weighted total level at the receiver with the barrier in place.