
Unit 3 Health And Social Care P3

Decent Essays

This assignment will be explaining the function of research within health and social care. Research is information which is gathered together for a specific purpose. The function of research includes many different functions and they all have different purposes. The functions of research are; Identifying needs, highlighting gaps in provision, planning provision of services, information policy and practice, extending knowledge and understanding, aiding reflection, allowing progress to be monitored, and examining topics of contemporary importance. …show more content…

All health and social care services need to gather information from each service user so they can meet the care needs for each individual. For example, someone working within a care home may notice that one of the service users need more help with personal care, so to help the service user the service provider will discuss this and offer assistants. A new care plan will be put in place for the service user so that service providers will know that assistants is needed with personal care. Some needs of one service user may be the same or similar as another but before a new care plan is provided, research will need to be carried out to ensure this. When research is carried out it will focus on the care needs of the individual but also improve them and identify other needs which the service user may …show more content…

This is because social services have seen research which shows more elderly people are living longer if they stay in their own homes. To identify main concerns within health care, the government are reviewing the NHS to support health and social care policy. Practice: research for health and social care practice will include, the needs of each individual within the setting, making sure that all resources are used efficiently, reducing risks to each individual, for example MRSA, and improving the care which is given to each individual. Improving the practice would include changing how the staff work together, adjusting the care plans, allowing more independence and giving individual choice. If a health and social care professionals identifies that the care for one of the residents could be improved, then he/she would need to carry out research within their daily responsibilities, which will then make improvements to the

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