
3.03 Critical Thinking

Satisfactory Essays

3. My mother and I is quite similar to one another, except with connection. Mom likes to be surrounded by her family, close friends and dependent on others. The contrast, I am independent but I do like being close to my family and friends.
4. The noteworthy change occurred when I received my Associate degree; my mother’s fear was me leaving her alone, once again. She began to be less independent and more dependent for me to do so certain errands. It is due to my mother becoming older and not able to do much of the finances on her own, mentally.
5. At first, I used denial that the fact my mother is getting older and her mind is not as sharp as it once was; until she became disorient of her financials. Then the different cycle of strategies occurred, for example, I used alternation shortly used the reaffirmation. I came to my senses that my mother is getting older and I am starting acceptance, and act accordingly to each situation.
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The reaffirmation and polarization (togetherness) strategy works for anyone who is dealing with parents aging, especially in my case. The dialectical tensions will never disappear and embracing the challenge is the effective way of handling the situation.
7. Reframing is another alternative strategy of handling the tension. This is an opportunity for growth and to enjoy, every moment with my mother while I still

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