
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Container Freight Swap Options

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(Container Freight Swap Agreement and Freight Options)

Seaborne trade (a business), which carries more than 90% of all world commerce, is a volatile and risky business due to the interplay of demand and supply and it effect on freight rates. The rollercoaster nature of the business especially in respect to freight rates demand that critical attention is payed to the management of risks.

In the past decades, freight rates have risen to their highest peaks and have also equally fallen to their lowest level, to the advantage and disadvantage of ship-owners and charterers respectively.

Local Scenario
As a world phenomenon, these (rate fluctuations) are equally experienced by stakeholders (forwarders, ship-owners, …show more content…

This may change in the future as the market grows further. In other cases, there is the potential of default in the payment. This is however only an issue in respect to contracts settled over the counter (OTC).

Shipping derivatives contracts in the form of Container Freight Swap Agreements and Freight Swap Options are risk mitigating measures especially in the uncertain world of shipping business. To all stakeholders in the shipping business in Ghana and other parts of the world, the use of shipping derivatives can ensure sustainability in the rather volatile period in which ship-owners and charters find themselves.

Works Cited
Amir, A. H., & Nikos, N. K. (2009). Shipping Derivatives and Risk Management. London: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN.
Kleindorfer, P. R., Yoram, J. R., & Wind, G. R. (2009). The Network Challenge: Strategy, Profit, and Risk in an Interlinked World. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Professional - Business & Economics.
Ogbugo, M. (2016, 12 13). CitiFM Online. Retrieved from CitiFM Official Web page:

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