
Army Problem Solving Process

Decent Essays

A problem is an issue that disrupts a Commander form achieving a desired goal and the Army defines problem solving as the ability to get answers to questions through a conscious, organized process. The Elements of Thought described by Drs. Paul and Elder assists Army Officers conducting the Army Problem Solving Process by means of critical thinking. The Elements additionally align and strengthen the Army Problem Solving Process and results in a subjective analysis within each step of the process.
According to Field Manual 6-0, the Military Decision Making Process and Troop Leading procedures are the processes Army leaders use for operational problems. The Army Problem Solving Process is what Army leaders use for problems outside of operations. …show more content…

Illustrated as a pie, Drs. Paul and Elder’s Elements of Thought stand as the following eight slices of reasoning: point of view, purpose, question or problem, information, Inferences and conclusion, concepts and theories, assumptions and implications and consequences. Paul and Elder state that reasoning calls for the use of all eight in no particular order and the starting point is dependent on the problem to solve. They also describe risk in quality of thinking and contribute intellectual standards to aid the model in ensuring thinking meets a minimum standard.
C122 illustrates alignment of the two operations by means of cross walking the Army Problem solving Process with the Elements of Thought describing, the parallelism of the procedures. The elements also serve as a methodical approach applied to each step of the Army Problem Solving Process, ensuring all points of view are considered and meeting a non-biased response, ahead of advancing to the next step of the …show more content…

Hidden assumptions coupled with entailment, the idea that if x is the answer to question one than y must be the answer to question two, could result in negative results along with unfavorable second and third order of effects.
The Elements of Thought described by Drs. Paul and Elder assists Army Officers conducting the Army Problem Solving Process. This critical thinking model provides organization and logic to the way we think; aligns and strengthens the Army Problem Solving Process and results in objective analysis in each step of the

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