
Beowulf As A Hero Comparison

Decent Essays

Someone who is dearly admired or idealized for their courage and outstanding achievements or their noble qualities is what is said to be a hero today. Hero’s in today’s world have many qualities, such as, courage, selflessness, humility, patience, and a care/concern or kindness for others. When comparing both Dante the pilgrim’s character qualities to Beowulf’s character qualities, Beowulf comes out on top being the most like today’s modern heroes. Often, truly heroic leaders have the same few qualities. Out of these few, the first that generally come to mind when thinking about a modern day hero are both courage and bravery. Courage and bravery are the two that coincide with each other. Courage means having the strength to withstand danger, fear, or difficulty, while bravery is showing mental/moral strength to face such dangers, fears, or difficulties (Courage/Bravery). Although, it is difficult to achieve, many heroes display these when going up against overwhelming situations. Other qualities shown in today’s heroes are their selflessness and their caring hearts. Being selfless means putting others first, that being said, many heroic figures do not expect a favor in return. Similar but separate is caring, which is showing that they are truly concerned for others and they display their kindness by helping others though selflessness. Being selfless also shows that humility of a heroic figure by not wanting/owning the credit for their actions, just like not wanting a

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